March 07, 2007

Show me the money!

They say "the tax man cometh, and the tax man taketh away," but that's not the case with our guy, Andy. You see, Andy is much more than just "the tax man." Actually, he's not a tax man at all, but Stew insists that I call him such. I believe "the tax man" is technically the guy from the IRS who will eventually show up and take Stew to jail because of the funny math used on his 1998 - 2000 tax returns... the years Stew and all his co-workers used some guy named "Frausto" to do their taxes. Frausto disappeared in 2001 never to be heard from again...

Anyway, Andy is more our "financial guy" than anything because we trust him with our life insurance and investments... he just offers us tax assistance out of the goodness of his heart (and a few bucks out of Stew's pocket... which is now located in the bottom of Linda's purse). Stew and Andy used to work together selling full-service information technology solutions. Translation: they pimped out Geek Squad type computer technicians for $40/hour (and only paid the poor saps about $10/hour... plus, free donuts on Fridays). Andy was known as a tenacious salesman, and a top performer year in year out. However, Stew says Andy's story-telling was legendary. During the company's annual national sales meeting, Stew and Andy would sit in the pub and swap stories of past "conquests." Andy could talk for hours... but Stew only had one good story, which was totally made up, so he'd usually end up running back to his room in tears while whimpering "I'm such a loser..."

Andy and his wife, Angie, now live in St. Cloud where Andy helps run his family business. Angie used to work with Andy and Stew during the computer technician pimping days (and she sometimes participated in the story-telling sessions during the national sales meetings). Not only do the Jacobs boyz provide financial services consulting, but they also put on a helluva golf tournament each summer. So, if anyone out there (living in Minnesota) wants some sound financial services advice and assistance, then I encourage you to contact Andy Jacobs. We trust him whole-heartedly, and he can be reached at:

Jacobs Financial

Tell him Bogey sent you... and ask him if he has any good stories. Rumor has it Andy's knocking off $50 from our tax bill for each inquiry received because of this posting. So, please contact Andy even if you're not interested in his services... I guarantee you that he'll win you over like he did me (see photo above)!


Anonymous 9:37 PM  

This tax man you speak of is incredibly attractive...almost like a model of sorts...

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Commentary from a stay-at-home dad on daily happenings and misadventures while helping raise a wonderful little girl. The goal is to employ wit, sarcasm and/or humor to make the blog pseudo-entertaining. Then again, setting goals never really worked for me, but maybe you'll chuckle anyway.

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THE SAHD CLUB - A rip-off of the letter written by the kids from the 1980's blockbuster hit, The Breakfast Club.

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