4,000 words
They say "a picture's worth a thousand words...", so here are 4,000 words for you. I would use just one word, and that word would be "cute". Someone also once asked, "if a tree falls in the forest and nobody is there to hear, does it still make a sound?" Well, I pose the following question to you, my faithful readers: "if Claire is playing in her crib but nobody is there to see it, is she still the cutest baby in the world?" I submit the answer is a resounding "Yes!" Maybe I'm wrong, but I doubt it...

There are MANY new pictures (finally) posted to the CLAIRE folder if you follow the MY PICTURES link on the right side of this blog. Give me a break... it's only been five months since I last updated the picture folder! I also added a couple movie clips of Claire. Happy viewing!
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