A Thankful Mutt
I guess I've been ripping on stupid people a little too much lately (i.e., Joe the Plumber and Sarah Palin). The other day, Stew says to me "Bogart, you can't build yourself up by breaking others down." He was simply repeating the phrase Momma says to him about every night after he screams profanities at the "idiot" contestants on Wheel of Fortune when the answer to the word puzzle is obvious. But, I suppose there's a bit of truth to what Momma says. I admit I've been a little holier-than-thou when it comes to ripping on people with whom I disagree, and 'tis the season to count your blessings rather than tossing folks under the bus.
That said, I want to share a couple commercials I found today on the YouTube. See if you can watch the entire clip without either falling off your chair in a laughter seizure OR screaming the words, "What the f____ was that!?!?!?!?!"
Wow, what a fine representation of a cross section of "Real America" - a bunch of unattractive, confused white people, and a black guy dressed up like a Puritan (or is he supposed to be an Amish person... or perhaps a Hutterite?). You tell me because I'm clueless. I've always thought black guys in Right Wing World

In the meantime, I'm thankful this holiday season that I do not live in Stew's Right Wing World - nor do a majority of my nearest and dearest friends - and I hold out hope for the rest of y'all! And I'm thankful the Right Wingers, despite their best efforts, have not completely ruined the country. Happy Thanksgiving!
P.S. My camera is currently charging, so I expect to FINALLY have more pictures of Claire after our trip to Grandma & Grandpa Thullner's farm in SoDak. Then again, Sarah Palin might open her mouth this holiday weekend, and I'll be forced to post yet another politically-charged blog entry. Until then, I leave you with a photo of Claire and Grandma Helen that was taken when we moved into our new doghouse last month.

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