Claire Gone Wild!
Claire is on Spring Break this week, so no classes yesterday! The only problem is that Claire can't decide on where to spend her break. She's narrowed it down to: 1) Cabo San Lucas, Mexico (and doing tequila shots with Sammy Hagar at his Cabo Wabo Cantina, where land ends and the party begins), or 2) visiting Who-ville with Horton the Elephant to help build Habitat for Humanity homes for the Whos (and dine on green eggs and ham). While she's learned much about charitable giving from Momma, Claire also has a party gene she inherited from Stew. So, I'm thinking she's going to opt for Cabo and partying with The Red Rocker (that's Sammy Hagar for you older folks OR youngsters under 35 yrs of age). The downside is that Claire has developed a penchant for disrobing at parties. It's something we are growing increasingly concerned about, but we're hoping it's just a phase. Regardless, here are a couple of pictures of Claire visiting with The Mueller Boyz of SoDak two weekends ago. It only took her about 10 oz of milk before she lost all inhibitions and decided to free herself of her sweater. And this isn't the only time our little darling has been caught on tape showing her business to the world. Not a day goes by that Claire doesn't at least attempt to take off her shirt. In fact, Stew's so concerned by it that he now only dresses her in onesies or body shirts (garments that snap in the crotch area so the child cannot remove said article of clothing). And bathtime doesn't happen until Claire first runs a few laps around the upstairs in either a diaper or her birthday suit... and Momma encourages Claire by chasing her, which only makes me go crazy and bark at them both. I don't know why that is... I guess I just don't like them using my castle as their personal racetrack.
Anyway, I have to go help Stew cut door trim and wall moulding downstairs, so I leave you with a couple more shots of our little exhibitionist princess (from about 5 months ago... we've since stopped taking pictures of Claire topless). But I'm trusting you with these photos... we can't have them showing up on the Internet!
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