Involved fathers = better grades
The National Household Education Survey by the U.S. Department of Education found:
· Students whose fathers are highly involved at school are 43% more likely to receive "A" grades.
· Children of highly involved resident fathers are 55% more likely to enjoy school than children with uninvolved fathers.
· Students with nonresident fathers who participated in even one activity at school are 39% less likely to repeat a grade and 50% less likely to experience serious disciplinary problems.
I rattle off these facts whenever people ask me, “Bogey, why did you decide to become a stay-at-home dog when you could’ve been a stud for a mutt breeder or maybe even a super hero?” I mean, c'mon... Stew tries his best, but I have to do this for the sake of Claire. She needs me. And I need her - those kisses always warm my heart!
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