I'm still working on uploading all the pictures from the family's trip to Florida. And by "still working" I mean "I haven't even started because I'm still looking at the camera, which is still inside its bag, and I have no intention of uploading the photos until I get the urge to do so... probably in another week or two."So, in the meantime, I thought I'd post a video clip of one of my favorite comedians, Louis C.K. He pretty much nails what it's like around our house trying to raise Claire in a "positive" atmosphere. Plus, he does a bit at the end of the clip that is almost identical to every single conversation Stew has with Claire these days. Before I was a stay-at-home dog, I thought people were over exaggerating when they said toddlers ask a lot of questions. Boy was I wrong. Watch this...
For the NSFW (Not Safe For Work) and much longer version of this video, go HERE.
OMG - that is hilarious. I can't believe we are going to embark on this whole thing again!!!! Thanks for sharing.
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