Back in the saddle again...
Due to some unforeseen issues with our internetwebthingamahooey access, I've been unable to write any posts lately. You see, when we moved to Chaska I opted to forgo subscribing to (reliable) internet access with our cable provider and instead went with the (much cheaper) Chaska Wi-Fi program available through the City of Chaska for a mere $17.99. I was talked into the city's wireless program after visiting city hall to get a dog license for Bogey. That's where I met Sarah, the city clerk. As soon as I walked in, she looked up from her desk and gave me a wink while saying, "Hi ya there!" She seemed so real and genuine (except for her ginormous fake boobs, but I'm not complaining). I asked, "Is this where I get a dog license?" To which she replied, "You betcha!" She continued, "Here you can get all those things this local government of Chaska can provide to you, our humble freedom-loving citizen, while at the same time we work so very hard to keep taxes low then. And you can even get an internet thing without those dopey wires for such a very low price also." Not only did she have an incredibly soothing voice, but she also had such a down-home folksy way of explaining the local internet access program. To be honest, I had no clue what she was actually saying, but she was hot and I was willing to buy anything she was selling. Wait! Does that make me a TeaBagger?
Anyway, apparently I'm quite a sucker - and an easy mark - for even the worst salesperson. For example, I once purchased a used 1999 Dodge Durango prior to starting my job selling high quality furniture at a modest price. You see, I needed an SUV in order to lug furniture samples to schools, universities and hospitals in my sales territory. I should have known the Durango was a bad purchase because after the salesman walked my paperwork over to the dealership's finance office, I heard some bells start ringing and a bunch of cheering. I looked over my shoulder to see what all the ruckus was about, and that's when I saw a gaggle of salespeople high-fiving MY sales guy. Unbeknownst to me, I had just purchased the biggest piece of sh!t vehicle on the lot, and the sales force was celebrating my idiocy. A couple years later, I finally traded in the Durango - but only after the A/C stopped working while I was selling in SoDak... 400 miles from home... in the middle of July... with temps approaching 100 degrees... and me wearing my trusty blue business suit.
So... back to the Chaska wireless internet thing. Basically, we never got a lot of bandwidth with it which was fine. We're not into watching TV or other programming on the web, and we're definitely not gamers (those who play internet-based video games). But recently, our web access had gotten to be so slow and unreliable. Plus, I don't know how it happened, but we seemed to always pick up our neighbor's home network signal, and it was becoming all too common to fire up our web browser only to see the chubby neighbor kid dancing around in a leotard in front of his webcam. So, we finally made the switch, and the internet guy was here yesterday to give us an upgrade. Oh, and the cable company sales guy, Jeff, told me he'd throw in a free high definition cable box since we own an HD television. Plus, he waived the $99 installation fee. Unfortunately, the installation guy didn't seem to know anything about my deal-making with the sales office. After I told him what I had negotiated with Jeff, he just shrugged and said "whatever" and went about installing our free HD cable. Something tells me there was some bell ringing and high-fiving going on at the cable company sales office after I got off the phone with Jeff. I can hardly wait to see our next cable bill. Then again, it can't be half as bad as driving across SoDak with no A/C during a heat wave while wearing a suit. Right?
Anyway, apparently I'm quite a sucker - and an easy mark - for even the worst salesperson. For example, I once purchased a used 1999 Dodge Durango prior to starting my job selling high quality furniture at a modest price. You see, I needed an SUV in order to lug furniture samples to schools, universities and hospitals in my sales territory. I should have known the Durango was a bad purchase because after the salesman walked my paperwork over to the dealership's finance office, I heard some bells start ringing and a bunch of cheering. I looked over my shoulder to see what all the ruckus was about, and that's when I saw a gaggle of salespeople high-fiving MY sales guy. Unbeknownst to me, I had just purchased the biggest piece of sh!t vehicle on the lot, and the sales force was celebrating my idiocy. A couple years later, I finally traded in the Durango - but only after the A/C stopped working while I was selling in SoDak... 400 miles from home... in the middle of July... with temps approaching 100 degrees... and me wearing my trusty blue business suit.
So... back to the Chaska wireless internet thing. Basically, we never got a lot of bandwidth with it which was fine. We're not into watching TV or other programming on the web, and we're definitely not gamers (those who play internet-based video games). But recently, our web access had gotten to be so slow and unreliable. Plus, I don't know how it happened, but we seemed to always pick up our neighbor's home network signal, and it was becoming all too common to fire up our web browser only to see the chubby neighbor kid dancing around in a leotard in front of his webcam. So, we finally made the switch, and the internet guy was here yesterday to give us an upgrade. Oh, and the cable company sales guy, Jeff, told me he'd throw in a free high definition cable box since we own an HD television. Plus, he waived the $99 installation fee. Unfortunately, the installation guy didn't seem to know anything about my deal-making with the sales office. After I told him what I had negotiated with Jeff, he just shrugged and said "whatever" and went about installing our free HD cable. Something tells me there was some bell ringing and high-fiving going on at the cable company sales office after I got off the phone with Jeff. I can hardly wait to see our next cable bill. Then again, it can't be half as bad as driving across SoDak with no A/C during a heat wave while wearing a suit. Right?
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