Clothes make the man... and the toddler
"Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society."
- Mark Twain
As usual, I've had a fairly busy day of trying to prevent Claire from disappearing from my view and heading to her bedroom to perform a wardrobe change. Unfortunately, sitting on my ass drinking a Starbucks Venti Iced Mocha while watching the Golf Channel hasn't proved to be a very effective way of keeping Claire corralled. She literally goes through about a half dozen outfits per afternoon, and she's perfected the art of spreading all her worn clothes on the floor of her bedroom. Luckily she recycles her outfits, which means she's presently back to wearing the bright orange M & M's t-shirt and peach-colored capri pants she had on five hours ago. Yea, she likes to match colors... which means nothing goes with blue jeans except a blue shirt. Note to self: Buy your kid some Garanimals!
Then about an hour ago, we decided to head outside to hang a bird feeder. I called for Bogey, but he didn't come. That's when I noticed Claire looking up at me with a mischievous smile on her face.

"Is your door closed?"
"Because it is."
Ahhhh... mystery solved! There's nothing quite like the logic of a three year old. Needless to say, Bogey was quite relieved to be released from the bedroom. My best guess is that he was incarcerated in there for about two hours, but he was doing fine... just a little thirsty.
And I cannot sign-off without thanking the white-haired, middle-aged man with the ponytail and Zubaz pants I saw at Super Target this morning after dropping Claire at preschool. As if the Zubaz weren't enough, the Jerusalem Cruisers you were sporting really pulled the outfit together. The only thing missing was a mesh half t-shirt. Thanks, Dude... you made my day!
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