Let the spoiling begin!
Grandma Helen (Thullner) is coming from South Dakota to visit today, and she'll be here for at least a week! I can't wait because she likes to sneak me treats whenever Linda and Stew aren't watching. One time Grandma even baked me some homemade dog biscuits that were incredible. I think they were laced with peanut butter because, after eating just one biscuit, I felt REALLY relaxed and creative. I wanted to go outside, run around the trees, chase squirrels, and chew sticks, yet I couldn't get motivated enough to get off my doggie bed. I also had an odd craving for a Play Station machine even though I don't have opposable thumbs... what's up with that?Anyway, Helen and Grandpa Bob are brand new grandparents as Claire is their first grandchild. So we're all excited for Helen's visit, and we wish Bob could be here. But, he has lots of pigs and cows to take care of on the farm, so he couldn't make it this trip. Stew's even making prime rib. I just hope Helen remembers to bring me some of those dang biscuits! Here's a picture from Helen and Bob's 40th Wedding Anniversary party last year.
In January, Grandma Judy (Stewart) is coming from Florida to visit. She already has a few grand kids, but she still likes to spoil. She even bought a little girl outfit for Claire three weeks before Claire was born. Stew thinks she could possibly be a (good) witch for knowing Claire was going to be a girl. I guess that makes Stew a son-of-a-witch, huh? Also in January, Aunt Dee will visit from Florida. Plus, Uncle Doug (StewCat), Aunt Peggy and Cousin Bridget will come from South Dakota. I wonder if StewCat will bring walleye fillets? If he did, that would make him the coolest uncle ever... in return, I'm betting Stew will have plenty of Budweiser on hand. Not only is Bud the King of Beers, but it's also the State Drink of South Dakota. Grandma Judy prefers iced tea, so I think that's why she moved to Florida...
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