Meeting Claire for the first time
I just returned home after a fabulous 3-day vacation to Casa de Erickson in luxurious South Minneapolis, where I spent countless hours chasing Ole Erickson around the house and gnawing on his ears. I overheard Uncle Kermit asking Aunt Susan, "tell me again why we offered to take Bogey while Linda's in the hospital?"
Ole's a good egg, and he understands what's it like to fend for yourself. He was rescued from the mean streets of Duluth, MN, just before I was saved from New Orleans. We orphans need to stick together, and we've developed quite a friendship. Here's a photo of us together from last summer taking a break from our wrestling.
Anyway, I finally got to meet Claire upon my return home Wednesday evening. My Aunt Susan drove me home, and then she stayed and made Linda & Stew a delicious salad and pizza dinner. Here's a picture of Susan holding Claire. This is about as close as I can get to a picture of Claire with her eyes open. The camera flash causes her to close her eyes, so I can never seem to catch them open. They are a very dark blue (the color of daddy's eyes) and are shaped like mommy's. I also have a picture of Claire and daddy on the couch. One of them hasn't bathed in three days, while the other smel
ls like a dirty diaper. See if you can guess which is which. The funk that's now emitting from that couch is enough to choke a horse. Speaking of daddy, he's currently looking over my shoulder as I type this entry awaiting a scheduled 2:00AM feeding. His job is to rub and tickle Claire to keep her awake while she dines on the delicious meal prepared by mommy's... chest. He's also in charge of helping Claire expel gases due to his vast amount of skill in this area. He really gets into it, and it sometimes sounds like we have our very own wind band performing in the nursery. Mommy is not amused...
Oh, dear sweet, niave little Bogey,
I have nothing but admiration and giggles for your creative blog, but I must let you in on a little secret. That little Claire you speak of will someday, and I mean someday in the next year, chase you like the squirrelcat of your nightmares! I too was once a niave canine enjoying my days of lounging on the couch with dad (JB) and muching bon bons and super nachos with my big mama (Tami) but when mom's tummy finally shrunk (I really thought it was the nachos invading my side of the bed), a screamer emerged. He too slept and ate much those first days, but then a new being surfaced. Now, almost one year later he is called Screamer McSqueeze Paw. I think you get the picture. Don't get me wrong, there are the perks of free high chair droppings at least twice a day, three or more times on the weekends. And an occasional naked butt to lick if he escapes a changing, which is happening more frequently lately. But, it is hard work being a bigdogbrother. I advise you to rest now, when she rests. Get your sleep while you can brother. And do some tail crunches. When she's able to grab it, you'll be glad you did. My tail is as tight as a cinnamon roll and I still get a good pull once a day.
Mom says it's going to be so great growing up together, but this kid is going to be a linebacker, or something of large proportions, and I will be lucky to survive the toddler years unscathed.
But enough of my troubles... mom and dad said to tell you to tell your mom and dad that Claire looks absolutely perfect and they can't wait to come visit. The Screamer is coughing, so he won't come. I'll try to sneak along. I heard you have a killer fenced-in back yard. Ah, the life of you city dogs.
High paw to you and your peeps! If you get to any TWolves games this year, let me know. There's a hot little chihauha in the dance line I'd like to oggle.
Big wet kissies to that sweet (for now!) little angel too. My softer side recognizes a good one when I see it. You're gonna be the best of pals!
Yoshi (used to be Uno) Benson
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