Off limits
Apparently, I am no longer welcome inside this room. I'm confused. Have I done something wrong? I have never relieved myself inside this room, so why am I being punished now? In fact, I have fond memories of laying on the bed that was once in this room with momma by my side, gently scratching my belly. So, what gives? As near as I can tell, Linda and Stew are preparing this room for a visitor. Linda's cool friends, Dee and Julie, came over a few weekends back to paint the room. They were back again a couple weekends ago to put stuff on the windows and walls. Julie left early, though. She appeared to be under the weather... complaining about something called "Oktoberfest".
Anyway, these are all the pictures of the inside of what is being called the nursery. Oops - scratch that last comment. As if it's not difficult enough for me to type this blog without the use of opposable thumbs, it appears I'm unable to upload all the nursery pictures to this posting. Therefore, I'll try using multiple postings... Anyway, the room seems to have a barnyard animal theme, a tribute if you will to Linda's heritage as a farm girl. Stew didn't seem to help much with renovations. In fact, Dee seemed to do most of the difficult work. I like Dee. She treats me nice and lets me play with her dog, Remmy. And Julie is hilarious, but I'm still cautious of her and her beagle, Lily. I think they could be trouble, but I'll withold judgement until my investigation is completed. Anyway, Stew was in here the other night putting shelves on the wall. He cursed a lot, so I'm guessing things didn't go well. Regardless, the stuffed animals now have a place to sit. Other than the shelving, Stew's only other contribution was installing the lightswitch cover that he proudly brought home one day. Otherwise, he's still spending most of his time in the basement. When he's not curled up on the floor in the fetal position I mentioned in a previous posting (see "Skilled carpenter needed"), I usually hear him ranting. Oh, and ask me about the gas leak he discovered the other day...
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