Sick Day
I'm taking a sick day today. I'm coming down with some sort of sinusitis-bronchitis concoction. I just hope I didn't get ahold of some tainted puppy chow. That would suck. So, I leave you with some video clips...
Peyton Manning on a Saturday Night Live commercial for the United Way:
Jon Stewart's take on the fiasco that is the Iraq Appropriations Bill:
Dennis Miller (Bill O'Reilly's new best friend) appearing on The Daily Show... the best part is Miller's take on West Virginia Senator Byrd (toward the end of the clip):
From Late Night with Conan O'Brien (this skit reminds Stew of the old days back in Pierre and his frequent trips to Bob's Lounge... except, if this were Bob's, the bartender would be a woman named Jackie, and the guy at the end of the bar would be Billie, the gruff barmaid who liked to dance with Stew from time to time):
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