The End of Days
As some of you know, I'm pretty much convinced the world is going to end on December 21, 2012. There's going to be a galactic alignment when the sun is directly in the center of our Milky Way galaxy. This alignment's going to wreak havoc on the earth's gravity (the north pole will become the south pole... great energy will flow through the earth's core, etc...). The Mayan calendar predicts it... the Hopi Indians agree... ancient Egyptians left behind information pointing to the same... the Bible (Revelations)... and the Lost Book of Nostradamus contains the same info. Freak yourself out by watching THIS video on the YouTubes.
Well, my newest favorite Fox News Channel weirdo, Glenn Beck, believes you have a responsibility to prepare yourself for things that are never going to happen. Stephen Colbert took an in-depth look on his show last night:
By now, you'd think I'd be smart enough to know NOT to watch Fox and Friends in the morning, but I'm apparently a glutton for punishment. Today, they invited some stock market expert named, Rudolph "Rudy" Giuliani,
So how did we get into this mess? Well, both Democrats (Fannie & Freddie fiasco) and Republicans (hyper-deregulation of financial markets) certainly play large roles. But I also like to blame the media. The media helped sell the war in Iraq, and the media also played a huge role in our economic collapse. Jon Stewart gives us a good example of CNBC's role:
Later in the show, Jon gives the following analogy when discussing with a guest how CNBC, a highly-respected financial news network, could have missed all the warning signs of the entire financial market meltdown. [Quote] It'd be like the Weather Channel interviewing Hurricane Katrina and saying, "You know, there's a report you have high winds and flooding" and Katrina's like, "No, no, no... I'm sunny" and they're (Weather Channel) like "Alright" and then they walk away. It's insane!
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