About This Blog
Commentary from a stay-at-home dad on daily happenings and misadventures while helping raise a wonderful little girl. The goal is to employ wit, sarcasm and/or humor to make the blog pseudo-entertaining. Then again, setting goals never really worked for me, but maybe you'll chuckle anyway.
OUR FAMILY - Provides a brief bio on each family member.
THE SAHD CLUB - A rip-off of the letter written by the kids from the 1980's blockbuster hit, The Breakfast Club.
THE DOG DISH - Here you'll find the occasional rant or story written from a dog's point of view.
COMEDY - Here you'll find stuff I think is funny, typically video clips, cartoons or jokes.
LINKS - Just what the name implies.
PAW-LITICS - More rants, typically directed at despicable politicians with whom I disagree.
VIDEO VAULT - Home videos of Claire set to some of our favorite songs.
BUY STUFF - My online store (that is if I ever actually create one).
This is blasphemy! Did you not think one of your readers would recognize "Spewpendous" as the articulate, talented, fearless, sensitive, down-right-dreamy, Billy Bragg? That said, the resemblance is shocking. And Stew is sensitive and dreamy as well. And Billy would highly encourage the kind of political ranting the Stewpup engaged in last week. Is it possible your mom had twins and decided to raise one as a good-natured, guitar-playing English bloke?
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