April 12, 2007

Assume the position...

Well, it's official... Momma has accepted a new job! She starts her new position at Medtox Scientific (http://www.medtox.com) on April 30th. Stew, Claire and I could NOT be happier for her (or us). Although we still have no clue what Linda does for a living, or what her title will be, we just know that Medtox is supposed to be "family friendly", which means 70 to 90 hour work weeks are not the norm. So, there's a good chance we'll actually see Momma at home before it gets dark outside. In fact, we have a family plan to uphold Sacro Desco, which is Italian for “sacred table” - a commitment to share at least one meal all together as a family every day. Dinnertime is not just about feeding the body; it's also about nourishing the soul
(source: http://www.allprodad.com). Since Linda has forbid me from writing my true feelings about her current employer, I'll let the following clip do my talking as it perfectly sums up my feelings on the last 4+ years of Linda's employment. Just imagine the Kevin Bacon character (receiving the spanking) is an 8-month pregnant Linda (thanks to Scott H. for the idea).


In other news, in honor of Dwight Schrute, I'm posting a link to every quote ever made on The Office (thanks to Florida's own Aunt Dee for the link):

Lastly, I'll be conducting some reconnaissance tonite after The Office. I fear the Kenmore and Swifter terrorist networks' Operation Spring Cleaning is dangerously close at hand. I'll keep you posted on my findings. In the meantime, consider the threat level "HIGH" (dogs don't use color codes for threat levels because:
1) we don't see color, and 2) using colors is pretty stupid when you can simply say "HIGH" or "LOW" or "MODERATE"... like Smokey the Bear does when warning of forest fire danger levels... go visit a forest if you don't understand the Smokey Bear comment... or just look at the picture to the left).


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Commentary from a stay-at-home dad on daily happenings and misadventures while helping raise a wonderful little girl. The goal is to employ wit, sarcasm and/or humor to make the blog pseudo-entertaining. Then again, setting goals never really worked for me, but maybe you'll chuckle anyway.

OUR FAMILY - Provides a brief bio on each family member.

THE SAHD CLUB - A rip-off of the letter written by the kids from the 1980's blockbuster hit, The Breakfast Club.

THE DOG DISH - Here you'll find the occasional rant or story written from a dog's point of view.

COMEDY - Here you'll find stuff I think is funny, typically video clips, cartoons or jokes.

LINKS - Just what the name implies.

PAW-LITICS - More rants, typically directed at despicable politicians with whom I disagree.

VIDEO VAULT - Home videos of Claire set to some of our favorite songs.

BUY STUFF - My online store (that is if I ever actually create one).

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