Padre's Day
We all had a fabulous Father's Day. I was almost positive Stew would choose to take the Sunday newspaper into the bathroom and disappear for several hours to celebrate the occasion. Since he purchased both an Us Weekly and a People magazine for Aunt Susan to enjoy last Friday while she dog- and babysat, I figure he had more than enough reading material to last him for at least half the day. But, I was wrong. Sort of... he emerged much sooner than I would've
bet. Sorry to be so gross by bringing this up, but this is my life and it must be added to the blog. Stew received a Starbuck's gift card from Claire (and me) and some cash from Grandma Helen & Grandpa Bob (to buy coffee... or ice cream), so Stew and the girls loaded up the car and headed out for... coffee. I was banished to the house 'cause my drueling and constant shaking while in the back of Stew's SUV gives him the impression
that I hate traveling. As usual, he would be right. I prefer going for a w-a-l-k (Momma and Stew have to spell "walk" around me since I will freak out otherwise). Anyway, they all must have driven around some more million dollar neighborhoods to look at houses out of our price range because they were gone most of the day. But, here are some pictures of Claire's Father's Day outfit. You might notice she doesn't like wearing hats (she prefers to chew on them instead). She and I are very much alike in this regard. I'm thinking that the next time Stew tries strapping a hat or visor to my head I'm going to bite him. Or at least bark. Maybe I'll growl. Most likely, I'll just sit idly by and allow the violation to occur. I'm such a wuss. Grrrrrr.
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